The French government has pushed through a controversial plan to raise the retirement age, a decision expected to spark more protests and strikes across the country. The National Assembly witnessed chaotic scenes as French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne attempted to speak over chants from lawmakers demanding the government’s resignation.

Borne argued that the reform was necessary, stating, “We cannot bet on the future of our pensions.” Although the government lacked sufficient support to pass the bill in the lower house, a clause in the French constitution enabled them to enact legislation without an outright majority.

The French Prime Minister accused far-right lawmakers of failing to back the legislation, which was approved by the French senate earlier in the day. In response, Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Rally party, called for Borne’s resignation.

Since mid-January, massive protests have taken place throughout France, with millions opposing the government’s plan to raise the official retirement age for most workers. The new legislation requires French citizens to work until 64, up from the current 62, to qualify for a full state pension.

Following the government’s forced passing of the reforms, Laurent Berger, head of the CFDT, one of the unions leading the protests, announced “new mobilizations.” Philippe Martinez, head of the CGT trade union, also called for additional strikes and protests, as reported by CNN affiliate BFMTV.

Peaceful protesters gathered in Paris’ Place de la Concorde after the prime minister’s announcement.