The UK government is planning to introduce a new law aimed at reducing illegal immigration by restricting the rights of asylum seekers who arrive in the country on rubber boats. The proposed law would prohibit such individuals from seeking asylum in the UK and require the Home Secretary to send them to a safe third country, such as Rwanda, as quickly as possible.

The idea of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda was originally suggested by Prime Minister Boris Johnson but was blocked by the European Court of Human Rights. However, the government is now seeking to reintroduce the proposal as part of its wider efforts to combat illegal immigration.

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, argues that illegal immigration is unfair to British taxpayers and those who come to the UK legally. He also stated that criminal gangs should not be allowed to continue their immoral trade, and that those who come to the UK illegally will not be permitted to stay.

The UK Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, also expressed support for the proposed law, stating that the British people want a resolution to the problem and that the government must “stop the boats.”

However, human rights groups have criticized the proposed law, arguing that it would violate international law and put vulnerable people at risk. Amnesty International UK stated that “This proposed legislation is an attack on the right to seek asylum and on the most vulnerable people seeking safety.”

The proposed law has also raised questions about the UK’s obligations under international law to provide protection to those who are fleeing persecution and violence. Critics argue that the UK has a responsibility to provide asylum to those who need it, regardless of how they arrive in the country.

Moreover, the proposed law has been criticized for focusing on deterrence rather than addressing the root causes of migration. Many argue that the UK should work to address the poverty, conflict, and political instability that drive people to flee their homes and seek asylum elsewhere.

It is uncertain whether the proposed law will be adopted and how it will affect the UK’s asylum system and its treatment of vulnerable migrants. Nonetheless, the government’s proposal has sparked controversy and criticism from human rights groups and others, highlighting the complex and contentious nature of the issue of illegal immigration.